Sign Visual Heights

Interior hanging signs can be impactful with the strategic placement of aisle signs in retail stores, supermarkets, and other commercial spaces to guide customers to specific sections and products.

These signs are typically suspended from the ceiling above each aisle and provide essential information about the product categories and aisle numbers. To ensure effective navigation, readability distances are crucially considered during the placement of these aisle markers. Readability distance refers to the maximum distance at which customers can comfortably read the sign’s content without straining their eyes. By optimizing readability distances, retailers enhance the shopping experience, making it easier for customers to locate desired items and navigate through the store efficiently.

When hanging signs in commercial spaces, several possible obstructions should be taken into account to ensure clear visibility and readability.
Some of these obstructions include:

  1. Overhead fixtures: Lights, ceiling fans, and other fixtures may obstruct the view of signs if not positioned carefully.
  2. Low-hanging objects: Objects like interior hanging signs, banners, decorations, or promotional materials suspended from the ceiling can block or obscure signs.
  3. Shelving and merchandise: Placing signs too close to shelves or merchandise may hinder their visibility to customers.
  4. Aisle clutter: Stocked products or display stands can partially block aisle markers, reducing their effectiveness.
  5. Advertising displays: Other promotional materials or displays competing for attention might overshadow or obstruct aisle signs.
  6. High ceilings: Signs hanging too high in spaces with lofty ceilings might be difficult for customers to read.
  7. Cameras: Security camera placements and their field of view.
  8. Install: Ladder height when changing and replacing inserts.