Vintage and retro

Nostalgia for simpler times has fueled the American consumer’s continuing love affair with vintage and retro design. These can range from “farmhouse” to atomic-age motifs, from earnest to tongue-in-cheek. Vintage fonts can give signage fresh impact in perimeter signage, where the large scale makes legibility less of a concern.

The commercial art and architecture of mid-century America, which often utilized sculptural, cut-out, and free-standing signage, is enjoying a revival in grocery stores, where lightweight materials and modern manufacturing methods allow designers to dream big. For maximum impact, suspend and float three-dimensional signage from the ceiling or from space-defining structures like horizontal “trellises” and lightweight faux beams.

We have several design styles with a vintage feel. One of my favorites is here, customize the color and you can make this retro design fit your needs.