Linda, a self-proclaimed health nut, was on a mission to find coconut milk yogurt. After wandering around, she finally located the aisle sign that read “Non-Dairy & Health Foods – Aisle 5.” Relieved, she marched over, grabbed the first yogurt-like container she saw, and happily dropped it in her basket.
At checkout, she was feeling smug about her “healthy” choices—until the cashier smirked and asked, “Big fan of dog probiotics?” Linda looked down in horror at the package she’d misread: Pup-Probiotics Coconut Flavor. She burst out laughing and could already hear her friends’ laughter as she explained her mix-up.
Returning to Aisle 5, she grabbed the human coconut yogurt this time, shooting the aisle sign a playful glare as if to say, Thanks for the adventure.